Fiction (Mockumentary) “Episode 1: A Story in Black and White” (2001)
Premiere 2001
Synopsis Theo and Xoaquim are not ordinary people. Theirs is a story filled with incomprehension, rejection, and abuse. Betrayed at birth by a Mother Nature they do not feel they belong to, their path is a painful ordeal of isolation and anguish. But they continue forward with their struggle… a fight for their rights, to be recognized for who they feel they are and not for what they appear to be: it is the struggle of two black boys trapped in white skin.
Distribution MANKUSO
Fiction (Mockumentary) “Episode 2: Hunting for Basajaun” (2007)
Premiere 2007
Synopsis In this unforgettable episode, Santiago Oriol, the intrepid field journalist, travels to the Basque provinces to investigate the mysterious phenomenon of the Basajaun, the abominable creature of the Basque forests.