Author: mankuso

September 2015, 63rd San Sebastian International Film Festival (official competition)
A duel in the woods, any given day.
63rd San Sebastian International Film Festival – Zinemaldia (World Premiere) ∗ 60th BFI London Film Festival ∗ XXII Palm Springs International Short Film Festival ∗ 25 Festival Biarritz Amérique Latine ∗ 30th Brest European Short Film Festival ∗ 22º Mostra de Cine Latinoamericano de Catalunya ∗ Montenegro Frog Film Festival 2016 ∗ IX Cyborg Int. Film Festival ∗ 21 Festival du Film Espagnol de Toulouse ∗ Cerdanya Film Festival 2016 ∗ Annecy Cinéma Espagnol ∗ 14th flEXiff (International Experimental Film Festival of Australia) ∗ FERFILM 2016 of Kosovo ∗ 33rd Tehran International Short Film Festival ∗ XIV Festival Internacional de Cine de Ponferrada ∗ Begibistan 2016 ∗ Sleepwalkers International Film Festival ∗ Festival Enmut 2015 ∗ 17° International Short Film Festival Scrittura e Immagine de Pescara (Best Short Film) ∗ XIX Festival de Cortos de Vitoria-Gasteiz Cortada ∗ La Noche + Corta ∗ XIV Festival de Humor en Corto (Best Director) ∗ 12th Two Short Nights Film Festival ∗ XVIII FEC European Short Film Festival ∗ XXXII Euskal Zinemaren Astea ∗ 26th Festival du Cinéma Espagnol de Nantes ∗ Korten 2016 Cineclub FAS ∗ Ratma Film Festival 2016 ∗ Hancheng International Short Film Festival of China ∗ XI Festival de Cortos Penca de Argentina ∗ Spanish Films at Instituto Cervantes of Budapest ∗ XVIII Festival de Cortometrajes de Rodinia ∗ IX Huhezinema ∗ XXII FANT – Festival de Cine Fantástico de Bilbao ∗ THESS International Short Film Festival ∗ University of Georgia Int. Short Film Festival ∗ Tehran Silent Film Festival ∗ Tlanchana Fest de México ∗ IX Festival de Cine Bajo la Luna de Islantilla ∗ Marin County Film Festival (Honorable Mention) ∗ XXII Budapest Int. Short Film Festival -BUSHO ∗ Cinemaattic 2016 ∗ Rural Film Fest 2016 ∗ La Noche Más Corta de Getxo ∗ XVII TromaDance Short Film Festival ∗ Mikrofilm Short Film Festival 2016 ∗ Cineterror Mapache Fest 2016 ∗ Festival Internacional de Cinema Independente de Brazil 2016 ∗ Festival Internacional del Cortometraje FIC ∗ VIII Wordless International Short Film Festival ∗ 10th THESS Int. Short Film Festival ∗ Quinta Muestra Internacional de cine SURMIC 2016 ∗ 14th Short Soup International Short Film Festival ∗ VIII Festival del Cortometraggio CORTO CORRENTE ∗ VIII Wordless International Short Film Festival ∗ XXVI Certamen de Cortometrajes de Carabanchel ∗ VII Festival Internacional del Cortometraje FIC ∗ 28th Istanbul International Short Film Festival ∗ FIBABC 2017 ∗ Pickurflick Indie Film Festival-PIFF 2017 ∗ 12th EuroAsia Shorts Film Festival ∗ Darbhanga International Film Festival 2017 (Best screenplay/Best photography)
Director Tucker Davila Wood creates a piece of work that captivates the audience with the bare bones of filmmaking. As part of Palm Springs Short Fest and the BFI London Film Festival’s Official Selection, we experience the narrative of a man and his method to escape the monotonous routine of his life. (...) Duellum is a somewhat inspiring story of finding solace in the unconventional version of yourself."
Rachel Morrow, Monoblogger
The most suggestive shorts are signed by two filmmakers (...) who are already veterans in the circuit. 'Duellum,' by Tucker Dávila, plays with absurd humor as it introduces us to a medieval warrior (...) Dávila works with image and sound (impeccable black and white, and instead of words, a song by The Kinks plays) and it avoids the usual pitfalls of short films: arrogance and pretentiousness."
Oscar L. Belategui, Diario El Correo