ZINEBI 52: Int. Frestival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao (2011)
I started painting again. “Still-lifes”. Leave a message after the tone.

A collection of beautifully shot still-lifes, Bodegon is sad, amusing, artistic, simple but memorable."
Otley Film Society Magazine (Bradford Int. Film Festival)
Bodegón, by Tucker Dávila Wood, has been overshadowed by his other short film 'Los 4 Mcknifikos.' On this occasion, the director showcases a more subtle humor, beautiful cinematography, and what I liked the most, the use of imagery as almost the sole narrative resource. It's high-quality cinema condensed into five short minutes. (...) These are restrained, slow works, but they possess the charisma of shorts that withstand the test of time."
Diario Abc (FIBABC)